Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Dear Mum...

"I’m feeling tired today
Left alone in the room hugging a pillow
Touching my phone distracted my mind
It’s lonely to eat tonight

Suddenly, i was frightened by the ringing phone
my mom’s worried voice asked if i’ve eaten
these words annoyed me but today it’s different
The forgotten promises are remembered

I will be a person with pretty heart
And become a person who is selfless
I’ll keep the love of my mother’s wishes
I think of mother who used to share my dreams and brush my hair

Though I’ve made hurtful wrong choices
You silently watched over me from behind
But now I think more than an innocent child
The meaning of mom’s silent prayers

I will be a person with pretty heart
And become a person who is selfless
I’ll keep the love of my mother’s wishes
I think of mother who used to share my dreams and brush my hair

What will i do, yet my heart is small
Can I do better without holding mother’s hand

I’m afraid that it will still lack
I’ll be a wise daughter of my mom (Give me the courage)
I will be a proud daughter no matter where I go (You’ve been there for me)
I’ll keep the love of my mother’s wishes
I’ll show endless love
I’ll have a warm heart
I’m shy to express to mom

That I really love my mom"

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Happy Birthday Naela!

ki-ka: kiky, ana, rimma in action B-)

naela as korban

It's show time hahaha

22 Oktober 2011
Selamat Ulang Tahun Naela Izzati

Sebenernya setelah kejadian ini, kita dalam masalah. Rimma yang juga di ceburin di kolam kakinya sobek kena beling. Panik, galau, bingung campur aduk. Abis itu udah kami pun gak sempet foto2 lagi dan go ke rumah sakit. Dan parahnya seminggu lagi rimma berangkat haji! Dan kamipun minta berjuta maaf ama rimma juga keluarganya. Shock banget nget nget... tapi alhamdulillah robeknya gak dalem, dan insya Allah kaki rimma bisa pulih sebelum rimma berangkat haji. Amin. Maafin kami ya rimma :(

nb: Ritual ceburin temen ultah udah jadi adat selama setaun terakhir ini, berawal dari ultah saya di ceburin di kolam yang sama dan mungkin bulan ini ritual ini harus berakhir... mungkin... hehehe

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Be A Hijabers!

It will be held on
Tuesday, October 25th 2011
@Fakultas Kedokteran Umum UNISSULA
FREE and JUST for Muslimah

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

Why, and How... I LOVED U

Hijab : "Why do you love me?"
Me : "I dunno.. I still don't have a reason to love you.."
Hijab : "Why?"
Me : "Yeah I just love you without reason, cause LOVE without reason LAST LONGER than LOVE with many reasons and Bismillah.. I'll love you, for ever."
Hijab: "Really?"
Me : "See.. I put you on the TOP of my body to covered my PRECIOUS CROWN :) that is way I LOVE YOU.."

-Me, Atasha

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

“Ketika kuliah, minta waktu kuliah dikurangi.
Ketika ujian, minta waktu ujian ditambah.” -Mahasiswa
"Tuhan tidak pernah memberikan ujian yang lebih berat daripada kemampuan umatnya.”
-- Tapi dosen selalu memberikan ujian yang lebih berat daripada kemampuan mahasiswanya?
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